Where do i Start?
Next Steps
Pray with and discuss CityFest with pastors and leaders in your community about inviting CityFest to your city and building a team of people who are interested in participating in leading the movement.
Consider these questions:
What churches are in your region?
What are the 10-20 most influential churches who should be included?
Are there any existing church networks in your region?
Consider these questions:
Who is influential and passionate about the Gospel in your community?
Who might want to be involved financially?
Gather a group of senior pastors and leaders to learn about CityFest together from our Palau staff. This could be an online call or an in person event.
Join our team at another CityFest weekend. You will learn directly from CityFest Leadership about their experiences of how it is impacting their region. Learn more here.
We will customize a next steps checklist for your region. Reach out to us here for this step.
We’re here to help. Let’s Get started.
“And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.”
Jeremiah 29:7
Next Up…
Explore the key, local leadership roles that make a CityFest movement a reality.
Explore stories of impact, highlights from existing movements, and articles.
Learn more about the organization and leaders behind the vision of CityFest.